Film EDUcation

A digital platform for educators and students with films made by youth

Elementary school


Short films made by primary school students, awarded at the Croatian Children’s Film Festival.

High school


Short films made by high school students and youth, awarded at the Four River Film Festival.

Project information


Learn more about the ways of using film in education.

Recently added films

My Thoughts (Oyum)

Šime’s Diary / When the Teacher Leaves for Three Minutes

Living Art

Bestiary / I’m Not Like Them

Take Heart


Let The Sunshine In / Lenz

If You Swallow A Star


22. 6. 2020.

ECFA features Film EDUcation

In June 2020, the ECFA - European Children's Film Association, which brings together more than 125 members from 36 countries, published a text about our platform on its website highlighting…
19. 6. 2020.

Film EDUcation program gets a digital platform

With a digital platform, the Croatian Film Association brings Film EDUcation to all Croatian primary and secondary schools!   Film EDUcation is an interactive film education program intended for primary…


You are great! I really enjoy watching the films, listening to you and contemplating about them. I have the same feeling of excitement when you look forward to the next sequel of some series which can only be seen on TV. So, I’m waiting for the next films and their analysis as well and I'm looking forward to our next meetup!

Marta LazićŠPUD (student)

Thank you for a new and different insight into the world of film through the films themselves… and especially for your explanations. Since I work in a school far from Zagreb, we are not able to attend "ordinary" Film EDUcation, which means that this medium is a complete success. This way ,you can reach a larger audience, and as far as my school is concerned, I am at your disposal for this or some similar form of cooperation. THANK YOU very much for this opportunity!

Majda Milevoj Klapčić, prof. i dipl. knjiž.High school Mate Blažina, Labin

First of all, I commend you for the selection of films and for your great organization. I learned a lot, especially from your analysis. I have to admit that I haven't seen a lot of Croatian short films so far, and now, thanks to you, I'm researching what to watch next all the time. Thank you for this opportunity and I hope that there will be more workshops of this type.

Laura KokotHigh school Mate Blažina (student)

Fantasy! You are well organized and methodically prepared. Obviously, you know the needs and opportunities of people in the 21st century. In addition to your own internal motivation, your dosage, clear instructions, frequent change of speakers, short and thematically diverse films, quizzes with instant feedback and specific data in the analyzes are what kept me with the Film EDUcation.

Iva Bodrožić-Selak, prof.High school Matija Antun Reljković

The fourth graders are thrilled with the animated films made by their peers. They follow them with interest, repeat the terms related to the film and are looking forward to the sequels!

teacher ElenaElementary school Šćitarjevo

Thank you for the excellent Film EDUcation! I enjoyed watching the great movies you chose for us and took the quizzes you gave us very seriously. 🙂 Special praise to the analysis leaders with whom we learned a lot while observing and contemplating… Great experience!

Kristinka VugrinecElementary school dr. Ivana Novaka Macinec

I commend absolutely everything, thank you for the excellent organization, implementation and analysis, and I sincerely hope that such workshops will be repeated, held more often and expanded to some other levels, both age and theme related. It would be interesting to see what it looks like live in the Tuškanac cinema, although I believe that in this way you approached a larger part of the interested audience, which very likely could not otherwise attend this experience.


Thank you for the opportunity to attend this type of education. You were great in every way, I especially like the “dissecting” of the films because every move of the camera has its own „why and because“ and it introduces us further into the story that the film tells. THANK YOU!


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